Zone 2: The Mechanics (Podcast)
We surveyed our members, and we got lots of great questions, and in this podcast episode we answered as many of them as we could.
We surveyed our members, and we got lots of great questions, and in this podcast episode we answered as many of them as we could.
We go into detail about the hows and whys of training to improve aerobic fitness. We talk about what gear you need, which programs work, what markers to track, and how to track them.
We surveyed our members, and we got lots of great questions, and in this podcast episode we answered as many of them as we could.
Anything useful in health & fitness eventually gets coopted and surrounded by myths. Zone 2 training is no different. It has become popularized, misunderstood, and over-complicated, all the while receiving nonsensical criticisms, mostly for things it isn't.