Simplavida Sunday:

What we are reading, watching, using, etc.

Here is our weekly survey of things worth looking at, here and elsewhere.


I'm a sucker for understanding other people's creative process, and so I'm attracted to anything that helps me see how their art emerges from their madness/messiness. The behind-the-scenes documentary of the making of Fury Roadโ€”Going Madโ€”is a terrific example. Writer-director George Miller's inexhaustible passion for the project, which took twenty years to get made, is daunting, as is his creativity and sang-froid on what became a production shit-show.


We had a new podcast episode out this week. It is about movement and joint paint, especially among adults who tend to respond to joint discomfort by moving even less, which leads to less movement, and more joint pain.


It's not uplifting, but it's important and wonderfully written: I (Paul) recently read the re-issued 1938 novel The Passenger. A remarkable book about Germany as the Nazi pall descended.


While it's more political than I (Paul) generally like, and Nate Silver is everywhere promoting his new book on risk, his discussion with Ezra Klein this week was very good.


I'm become much more careful about what I heat and drink on longer runs, something about which I had been more casual in the past. While you can be neurotic about this stuff, it is important to take it reasonably seriously, especially on efforts over two hours or so. With that in mind, I like Precision Hydration's gels and chews and tablets and such, and their free "fueling" planner is a good starting point, even if you don't buy their stuff.

Back next week with another edition.

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