Our weekly-ish roundup of things we watched, thought about, and did while training.
On the Site:
We had two new posts up that got lots of interest and sparked conversation:
- Lactate. Howard wrote a practical and hands-on piece about why lactate has gone from being thought of as unhelpful exercise by product, to what may be the ultimate biomarker.
- Aging and the limits of performance. Paul had a video discussion on aging the surprising limits of human performance, with Professor Lorcan Daly of the Technological University of the Shannon. Professor Daly has written a series of papers on 50+ world champion indoor rowers, with many implications and takeaways for people trying to be fit at any age.
A new video coming next week, this time on dietary fiber, one of Paul's obsessions.
Paul listened to the first two episodes of the Legacy series on Charles Dickens. I haven't made up my mind about the hosting—i find it a bit gee whiz and lighweight—even if a fan of Peter Frankopan, but the topic is one of Paul's favorites:
- Charles Dickens | Hard Times - Legacy https://pca.st/kx7a0s63
- Charles Dickens | Dickensmania - Legacy https://pca.st/e5wha062
While running Paul finished the audiobook of 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, which I highly recommend highly. Like the bard's plays, it requires patience, but it rewards that patience twice over, with a wonderful meditation on Shakespeare in his own time, and how that influenced his plays, the wordplay within, and his topics.
Here are Paul's five most listened-to tracks of the week, mostly while running (according to StatsforSpotify). Note: Paul has terrible taste.
- Every Picture Tells A Story - Rod Stewart
- American Wedding - Frank Ocean
- Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
- Creep - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox, Haley Reinhart
- The Suburbs - Arcade Fire
No new gear recommendations, although a backcountry skier friend and I agreed that Nitecore NU25 is the best combo running/touring headlamp out there.
Being Stupid:
In a new segment, Paul will showcase anything genuinely stupid he did this past week while training, which turns out to be a rich vein.
Last week, while trail running, he was speeding up and trying to look faster than he is, stubbed his toe on a rock, fell hard, and skidded down an incline on his left side, neatly removing a good chunk of the skin on his left lip and left forearm, and tearing a shirt to shreads. Because he is a male, he popped right up, feigned feeling fine, and then bled copiously once out of sight of strangers.
Back next week with more updates and insights.