Podcast: The First Mile sucks

Paul and Howard discuss why so often we badly at the beginning of a workout, what we do about it, and how to know if it matters.

Podcast: The First Mile sucks

Here are some of the main topics discussed in our latest podcast. Premium subscribers get full episodes and a complete transcript.


Why does the first mile almost always suck? Whether you're biking, running, cross-country skiing, or almost anything else while trying to build fitness, the first bit almost always feels terrible.

Paul and Howard discuss the challenges of starting physical activities such as running and weightlifting. They share motivational insights about sticking through the initial discomfort and the physiological necessity of a proper warm-up. The conversation covers the origin and impact of motivational posters in Howard's offices, dealing with joint pain, and how to build better fitness habits. They also touch on the role of mental resilience in overcoming the instinct to quit early on and the broader implications for maintaining an active lifestyle.

00:00 Howard's Office Decor
01:02 The First Mile Struggle
03:15 Physiological Insights on Warmups
08:07 The Power of Habit and Mental Resilience

The rest of the episode is for premium subscribers, who get access to other services, as well as to a complete transcript.

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