Podcast: Simplifying Resistance Training. Really.

Paul and Howard discuss how resistance training, which is crucial, can be made much simpler, with less time, less gear, and most of the same results.

Podcast: Simplifying Resistance Training. Really.

Here are some of the main topics discussed in our latest podcast. A free preview is below, as well as being available on the podcast service of your choice. Premium subscribers have a private feed via which they get access to the full episode:


In this free, abridged episode, Paul and Howard discuss how health gains and reduced all-cause mortality require cardio and strength training. But some people hate one of those two, some people hate the other, and most people hate 'em both. People dislike strength training for many reasons, including that they think it takes too long, involves gyms, and is generally just boring as heck. We can't change that, and we're nervous about people who try to turn resistance training into a carnival, but we do think it can be made much simpler, with less time, less gear, and most of the same results.  We talk about it in today's episode.


  • What happens to our body when we strength train, and why that is important
  • Why the right kind of inflammation is a good thing
  • It is a myth that you need to get ripped to get the benefits
  • What is the minimum amount of time or exercises required
  • Paul and Howard's favorite simple resistance exercises
  • Bonus: Why power matters at least as much as strength, and yet gets badly neglected

A full episode transcript is also available to all Premium subscribers. 

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