Simplavida Sunday: Latest Podcasts, Golden Trail Series, Rock Stars, etc.

What we are reading, watching, doing, using, etc.

Here is our regular survey of things worth looking at, here and elsewhere.


We had two new podcasts out this week. One is on some new work by Inigo San Millan and colleagues on the metabolics of being active. The second was Paul talking about his recently completed training block for some upcoming races.


The Golden Trail World Series has come to the US, and this weekend the top trail runners in the world are racing a 26K up and over the summit of Mammoth Mountain, in Mammoth Lakes, California. You can catch the livestream here starting at 9am pst today (September 22).


Paul just finished reading Uncommon People: The Rise and Fall of the Rock Stars. It is better in the early years, with the creation of the entire idea of rock stars, but it is terrific fun throughout about the kind of creative person drawn to a musical life lived in public, from Jerry Lee Lewis to Kurt Cobain.

Back soon with another edition.

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